
Different heaven even better
Different heaven even better

different heaven even better

If you choose to fulfill these conditions (obey Jesus’ Word in your life), Jesus will become a beloved friend, whom you can have fellowship with on a daily basis. Have you ever thought that Jesus wants to manifest (reveal) Himself to you? That promise is given to those who love Him and keep His commandments, so it is clear that such a revelation of Jesus is to occur throughout your life as a Christian, and not only at the beginning of your Christian life.

different heaven even better

And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” John 14:21. Just think that Jesus and the Father want to come and make Their home with you! Is that the relationship that you have with Him?Īnd again He says that “He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. Jesus makes this clear when He says, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.” John 14:23. You must first choose to believe that an intimate relationship with Jesus is possible before you can enter into such a relationship, for everything – spiritually speaking – is a product of one’s faith.Ī relationship with Jesus is not one-sided. The fact is that you, yourself, decide what relationship you want to have with Jesus.

#Different heaven even better full

This also means that your relationship with Him can be full of life – not something lifeless and stagnant – because He Himself is alive! (Revelation 1:18) Choosing Him (Hebrews 4:15 Romans 6:8) Because of His faithfulness, He has all the power and grace to help you to overcome sin in your life. He, Himself, was tempted in all points just as you are, but overcame sin and death. He is, after all, a person, not a “theological concept " not someone who once lived on the earth and now is far away, but a person who is alive and can be very near. The Bible, however, speaks about an intimate and dynamic relationship with Jesus. Such relationships with Jesus can, at best, be described as “distant.” But since Jesus is in heaven and they are here, they don't really expect to have much of a relationship with Him, and therefore, in fact, do not. For others, Jesus is an example to follow, and they try their best to live as He did. They allow Jesus to be a sacrifice for their sins, but the relationship with Him stops there. A living and intimate relationship with Jesusįor some Christians, a relationship with Jesus consists of praying to Him and going to church on Sunday. Just because you have been converted, i.e., become a Christian, doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a deep and intimate relationship with Jesus. The relationship that Christians have with Jesus can vary greatly from person to person. Check out the “Living the Gospel” podcast episode based on this article!

Different heaven even better